Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Fahrenheit - Shou Hu Xing

Shou Hu Xing
Guiding Star

bian zou bian kan sheng ming li mei yi pian feng jing
伦:边走边看生命里 每一片风景
Aaron: Walking as I see every scenery of life

shei shi zui yuan na ke xing xing dan ye zui kao jin
谁是 最远那颗星星 但也最靠近
Who's the farthest star, yet the closest

ceng jing yi wei wo zi ji chi you wo zi ji
东:曾经以为我自己 只有我自己
Jiro: For once I thought I was all by myself

hui dou cai fa xian ni bing pai de jiao yin
尊:回头才 发现你 并排的脚印
Chun: Turning around only to discover your footprints side by side

gan xie ni zai wo shen bian shu yu wo
儒:感谢 你在 我身边属于我
Calvin: Thank you for staying by my side, belonging to me

wo ye xiang hai ni yi yang de gan dong
我也想还你 一样的感动
I want to return you with the same feeling

shou zai ni de zuo you zui dan chun de nian tou
合:守在你的 左右 最单纯的念头
All: Staying by your side, the purest thought

wo hao xiang cong ni yan zhong chao dao wo
I really want to find myself in your eyes

neng han wei de wen rou
a protecting gentleness

duo jin wo de yu zhou zui an jue de li xing qiu
躲进我的 宇宙 最安全的星球
Hiding in the safest planet in my universe

dang suo you liu xing yuan li le tian kong
When all the shooting stars are far away from the sky

cheng wei ni de zui zhong cheng xing zuo
成为你的 最忠诚星座
I will be your most loyal constellation

jian qiang ai ku bu cong ming shan liang you ren xing
伦:坚强爱哭不聪明 善良又任性
Aaron: Tough, cry baby, unintelligent, kind-hearted yet stubborn

ni you tai duo qi guai ge xing rang wo hen zhao mi
你有 太多奇怪个性 让我很着迷
You have too many weird personality, making me very fascinated

ni de wei xiao tai shen qi can lan dao bu xing
尊:你的微笑太神奇 灿烂到不行
Chun: Your smile is too mesmerizing, shining brightly

lian yan jing yao xia yu dou bei ni fang qing
连眼睛 要下雨 都被你放晴
Even when my eyes are raining, you can make it clear

gan xie ni zai wo shen bian shu yu wo
东:感谢 你在 我身边属于我
Jiro: Thank you for staying by my side, belonging to me

wo ye xiang hai ni yi yang de gan dong
我也想还你 一样的感动
I want to return you with the same feeling

shou zai ni de zuo you zui dan chun de nian tou
合:守在你的 左右 最单纯的念头
All: Staying by your side, the purest thought

wo hao xiang cong ni yan zhong zhao dao wo
I really want to find myself in your eyes

neng han wei de wen rou
a protecting gentleness

duo jin wo de yu zhou zui an jue de xing zuo
躲进我的 宇宙 最安全的星球
Hiding in the safest planet in my universe

dang suo you liu xing yuan li le tian kong
When all the shooting stars are far away from the sky

cheng wei ni de zui zhong cheng xing cuo
成为你的 最忠诚星座
I will be your most loyal constellation

zai hei dong li bu ting shi qu
rap: 在黑洞里不停失去
Rap : In the black hole continuously lose

zai ji mo de guang yin lu xing
traveling within the lonely galaxy

zai ji mo de guang yin lu xing
traveling within the lonely galaxy

jiu zai yin he li bu ting xun mi
Searching continuously within the milky way

Oh come on that’s right

shei ke yi yi nian si ji yong bu xiu xi
谁可以一年四季 永不休息
For someone who don't need to rest throughout the four seasons

shou hu wo de xin jiu shi ni
守护我的心 就是你
To protect my heart, it's you

xiang zuo ni de zhen you shou hu zhao ni mei meng
合:想做你的 枕头 守护着你美梦
All: Want to be your pillow, to protect your dreams

xiang rang ni yi kao zai wo de xiong kou
Letting you lean on my chest

hen fang xin di meng you
Carelessly wondering in dreams

xiang zou ni de yi hou shou hu ni sheng huo
想做你的 以后 守护着你生活
I want to be your future, protecting you in life

mei tian you xing de gan shou yao tan suo
Exploring a new feeling each day

shi jian hen duo rang wo men xiao mo
时间很多 让我们消磨
There's a lot of time for us to spend

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