Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

About album 2nd BBT

Lollipop 2nd album has finally released! Can’t believe how quick it was on the internet, woke up at 5am today and found the pre-listen of all the songs. The following are just my translation of the song titles, maybe not 100% sounds correct. I’m so glad that Ao Quan and Wang Zi sang a lot more lines in this album especially Wang Zi compare to their 1st album where it’s mostly Xiao Yu and Xiao Jie. Of course Wei Lian and A Wei takes more part in this album but still they have lesser lines compare to the other members.

In this album Lollipop sure have matured a lot from their 1st album from the style of songs but they still kept some of their cuteness/youthfulness like in the songs “Zhong Yi ka” and “Loga Loga”. I must say their ballad songs in this album are better than the fast beat songs, the only fast beat song that I really like so far is “I am Legend”. All of them have improved on their singing so much that sometimes I cannot recognise who was singing anymore except for Wang Zi.

01. 我是傳奇 (I am Legend)
Lyrics by: Wang Zi and Ao Quan
What can I say about this song, it’s all great! Love the beat, the lyric and rapping. Also love the song after watching the MV.

02. 夏日戀愛 (Summer Love)
This song style reminds me of some Johnny’s group song, not a song I particular like in this album but it really has the summer love feel in this song and the start of the song is pretty nice.

03. 綜藝咖 (Zhong Yi Ka)
Lyrics by: Ao Quan
My thought on this song have not change since the first time I heard it, it still sound like some children TV show theme song.

04. 說說 (Say Say)
Lyrics and Music by: Wang Zi
After listening to it the second I realise there was the sound of a school bell at the start which tells that it’s a school love song. The song started off with Wang Zi singing which helps to get me into the feel of the song as his voice has this smothering feel. This song sound like those idol drama theme song, I hope they make a MV for this song and make it drama-like.

05. 交換日記 – 小煜 (Exchange Diary – Xiao Yu solo)
Lyrics by: Xiao Jie and Music by: Xiao Yu
Another solo song for Xiao Yu and I think he composed this song (I’m not sure if it’s lyric or music or both). This song doesn’t leave a deep impression to me, it’s a typical ballad love song where I might just forget how it sounds like after listening to it.

06. Loga Loga – 威廉 (Loga Loga – Wei Lian solo)
Lyrics by: Wei Lian and another person
Finally Wei Lian gets a solo song, I thought A Wei would get one as well but maybe next album he’s solo 1 song. The start of the music somehow reminds me of Disney cartoons. The song is cute, I like the chanting part and the “Loga loga” part. I think this is the first time I seriously listen to Wei Lian’s singing, I never knew his voice sounded like that. I wonder if the other members helped him in the background chorus because I somehow heard Wang Zi’s voice.

07. 沖破封鎖線 (Break through the lock line)
Lyrics by: Xiao Jie
This is a fast pace song, I like the strumming of the electic guitar and the echo change of voice. I wonder if they are purposely picking some rock-ish because of Xiao Yu? But anyways, I’m into pop-rock lately so this song is alright. I think this song will be nice for singing live, hope they do sing this in their concert.

08. 少了妳的房間 (The room without you)
Lyrics by: Xiao Jie
An alright ballad song for me, very typical ballad song just like track 5. What I can say for this song is that the group singing parts were very nicely sang.

09. 吵鬧的沉默 (Noisy Silent)
Lyrics by: Wang Zi and another person
This ballad song is also not that appealing to me, again another typical ballad song.

10. One Way
Lyrics by: Xiao Jie and Ao Quan
I like this song immediately I listen to it, it is a new style for Lollipop. This is a r’n'b song which sounds like some English songs, it’s probably refreshing to me listening to Lollipop singing this type of song. But I think their voice is not that suitable for these type of songs, maybe need more practice.

If I had to rate this album out of 10 I would it a 8/10. This album has more ballad/relaxing songs compare to fast pace songs. Since I’ve only listen to these songs a few times I might change what I think about it after listening to it more.

Download of the album will be uploaded soon, please check the “Media Links” page for it.

Edit// Thanks to Pamela for posting me who wrote which song. I’m surprised how much they contributed in this album, this time not only Xiao Jie and Xiao Yu but even Wei Lian wrote the lyrics for “Loga Loga”. So now it’s only A Wei who haven’t wrote anything but I hope they give him a chance to film a MV for Lollipop.

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